HOME > BRUG Bakery Hawaiiについて > Community Program

Community Program

Brug Bakery supports non-profit organizations.

Since it first opened its doors, Brug Bakery has been providing free breads daily to the Angel Network, and since July 2014 we have begun donating savory items and sweet products to all of Hawaii’s non-profits to express our gratitude to the local Hawaii people and to provide a contribution to society. These donations are limited to non-profit organizations and are normally provided in sets of 2 or 3 (24 to 36 items) per event or client visit, although exceptions are made depending on the type of event and the amounts we can make.

To those of you involved in social contribution:
Would you like to provide some delicious Brug Bakery breads for your next meeting, publicity event, fundraising or other such activity?

If we can be of help, please feel free to contact the following Brug Community Program PR person by email with an introduction to your organization’s activities and the necessary event details and products

Contact: Mona Wood – Sword
Email:  brugcommunity@gmail.com

